Unclaimed Property, — June 7, 2017 10:00 — 0 Comments

PA Treasury Department Unclaimed Property 2017

Lebanon County has unclaimed property waiting to be claimed.

For information about the nature and value of the property,

or to check for additional names, visit www.patreasury.gov

Pennsylvania Treasury Department, 1-800-222-2046.

Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Abandoned

and Unclaimed Property

Lebanon County

Listed in Alphabetical Order by Last Known Zip Code


Alberto Osmar

Allen Wayne

Baker Nellie

Basselgia Jennifer R

Basselgia Noel J

Beegle Stephanie A

Bickle Angela R

Boger Jessica

Coleman Matthew L

Dillard Glenn W

Dipper Charles

Do Mark F

Estate of Helen Sweeney

Foote Amanda C

Forney Rahn B

Gaconorooney Becky

Galloway Randall D

Gordon Carol A

Greenbead Glass & Jewelry

Hearsey Bryan Vandiver

Heisey Christopher R

Hess Debra

Huntzberger Eddie

Keller Daryl L

Kit Network Cabling

Klinger Robert H

Krueger Ione G

Lehman Joyce E Estate

Limeanville Carmeuse

Long Michael B, Gerald M, Judith M

Long Ricky L

Marrero Josephine

Martines Willie M

Pennycoff Mark D Adm

Phelps Flora L Estate

Schaller Carol Ann

Seiple Kevin S

Sharkey Michael A

Shenk Audrey M

Small Timothy M, Jolynne K

Snyder Samuel

Sullivan Kevin M

Sweeney Doris V

Taulbee Phyllis Estate

White Ryan

Zuver Jeremy L


Gillin M Gertrude

Shuey Heather, Thomas


Antrim Nancy F

Bode Michael L

Dyna Tech Industries Limited

Early Warren L

Harry Beck

Maher Marie

Moyer Cameron C

Senerth Joseph A, Kenneth

Wilda Chase S


Binder Catherine

Bitterman Gregory S, Lisa A

Brought Howard D Estate

Dellinger David D

Deter Jeremy D

Gavin Gretchen, Ryan

Henne Terry

Kline Mildred L, George D

Mehalko Diane B

Metters Fern L

Metz Karen J

Michael Chester

Moats John S

Oskam Jonathan, Jordan B

Winters Robert L

Zimmerman Jeffrey R


Arnold Brian M

Bauman Eric

Beaver Sandra M

Davis Kellie

Depugh Richard L

Dolan Vincenta V

Eisenhauer Abriana F, Jason D

First Mortgage

Guerrisi Henry J Sr

Heilig Virginia

Hetrick Jeremy, Stacy

Himmelberger Phyllis M

Houtz Christina M

Kneasel Richard L

Krebs Margareta, Richard A

Krissinger Herman J

Kumler Heather M

Light Jaidenia B, James P

Lucas Troy

Marko Robert T Jr

Meyer David

Neff Kevin C

Nieves Jose M

Pesta David E

Spooner Michelle L

Trainer Edward A

Trawitz Helen P

Tyson Linda M

Weaver Clarence N

Yordy Evelyn


Longenecker Kevin R


12th Street Shell

Albino Wanda

Anderson Walter, Carl

Arnold Jonathan A, Phyliss M

Arnold Scott D

Back In

Bailey William D Ex

Balog Gary

Barnett Safety Services Inc

Batula Andrew

Beck Kevin B

Bering Deborah Ann

Berry Dennis

Betz Ronald H

Binkley Ruth M

Blankenship Charles

Bleistein Dorothy S, John R

Bourjolly Elsa

Brady Quentin I

Brandt Mark A

Brandt Walter L

Breon Miriam

Brestovansky Marion L, Edward

Broso Angelo

Bucar Catherine

Byler Derek

Capello Sherry

Cedar Havenattn Finance Office

Celaschi Stephen R, Rynell S

Chapman David

Chapman Ford Licln Merc N

Cikovic Barbara B

Clemete Israel

Cowhey Regina

Cruz Desiree G

Cyr Carla

Daiey Helen

Darkes Preston L, Rachel R

Daubert Roy W

Davis Janea, Brian

Dechert Ralph E

Dhaduk Janki A

Dillman Sylvia

Doris Hardesty Probasco

Dowhower John P

Dulabohn Robert

Dunham William

Edge Abstract

Ellinger Justine

Engelhart Brianne M

Erwin Sterling R

Feldman Dorothy, Ronald

Fields Thomas R

Fink Michael

Fulk Thomas

Fulton Theresa A

Gable William R Jr

Garman Sheena M

Garrett Wendy J

Gibson Keith

Gill Earl D

Ginder Sandra J

Gingrich Shirley A, Randy

Gonzalez Keila

Green Debra A

Gundrum Edward L

Haak William E

Hains Gordon R Jr

Hamme Lisa

Hammer Gerald J

Hanford Jeffrey A, Lynda K

Hartzell Marian

Hartzell Stanley D

Heatherman Connie, Paul

Heblow Mary P

Hedges Loretta Est, Loretta S

Hogan Anne

Houser John W

Houtz George W

Hummell Laura E Estate

Hunsicker Donald R Jr

Ilgen Teri

Inman James M

Ioli Bruce Dr

Jeffry Jeslie E

Johnson Donna

Jones Donald Sr, Linda

Kauffman Benuel

Keener Robert R

Keller Dorothy E

Keneagy Tyler S

Kercher Michael D

Kern Jeanne L

Kerr David D

King Wendell R

Kipp John

Kline Daniel

Klopp Mary A

Kneasel Patricia

Knier Robert L

Kowal Michael S

Kreiser Patrick W

Kutt Francis

Lam Thu Thuy T

Lantz Lee F

Lebanon City Real Estate

Lebanon Ortho Assoc

Leese Dorothy M

Levengood Craig

Lopez Alvarez E

Lukens Scott L Jr, Scott L Sr

Lux Michael J

Macchioni Joe

Magdalena Wenger Trust

Magnamarketing Inc

Maguires Nissan of Lebanon

Mahoney Beatrice O Est

Mali Prashant

Markert Jane

Martin Matthew E

Matos Irmarie

Mcdaniels William C

Mejias Tina M

Menges Elizabeth G

Mentzer Kenneth J

Merrimack Mortgage

Messersmith Brandt Lori E

Mester Christoph J

Mihalik Carl T

Minnig Gertrude

Morrison William R

Moyer Donald G

Moyer Troy R

Musaddiq N

Music in the Park Inc

Nazeeri M

Nerges Laura R

New Penn Motor Express Inc

Ohnmacht Sally

Ondrusek Cyril J

Ortiz Oswaldo

Osborne Julie R

Outman Russell L

Owens Sherry

Palmer Michael D Est

Patsches Valerie

Pierre Ginette

Pittsburgh Va Mc

Pluming Sidney D

Preston Michael

Ramirez Irene

Ray Leavy

Reich Cynthia, Jay R

Riegel Brenda

Rivas Jose D

Riverview Construction Inc

Robertson Reginal

Rodriguez Ana

Rodriguez Edward M

Rodriquez David

Roth Arlene

Roth Grace H

Rudegeair Romaine T

Rupponer Irma G

Ryersbach Terri G

Ryland Megan E

Sanchez Cayetano Lopez

Sanchez Sanchez Javier M

Sandhu Simronjit K, Sarbjit S

Sarik George D

Schuller Mary K

Seyfert Nathan P, Kyle L

Sharpe Emma A

Shay Carolyn, William

Sherpa Tshering

Shindel Robert

Shirk Chris J Sr

Shultz Jean A

Sierra Madeline P

Simmons Linda G

Spallone Carol

Stahl Christopher J, Shilah N

Stamm Goegia


Strickler E Peter

Sweigert Estate

Tompkins Alvah Estate

Toomey Dennis C

Torres Jose

Uhrich Harry J

Vaccarella Mario

Vasquez Jovanny A

Vega Ana C

Vegenat Usa Llc

Velez Mateo Jashira I

Wild Jennifer L

Wilmington Vamc

Winkelmann Phyllis J

Wolfe Kevin E

Wolfson Bradley R

Yoklisch Robert P

Zellers Dennis B


Akins Brandyn R

Anderson Douglas J, Elaine G

Arnold Mary E

Arnold Robert L Est

Baker Antonio

Bankey Rose

Basom Beth A

Beautelus Enose Louis, Whedly

Bechtel Fleta C

Benson Antoine C

Breidenstine Allen M

Brightbill Nathan J

Bringman Christine

Brubaker Dennis R

Buchanon Tiesha C

Burney Donald

Burney Donald E Estate

Cedeno Guerrero Vicenta

Centeno Garcia Francisco

Cevallosrangel Andres

Chandler James T, Kim E

Chrvala William H Estate

Coffman Robert L

Connatser Jeremy G

Davis David

Defriese John

Devine Julia R

Devlin James R

Diaz Lillybell

Dillingham Angela D

Dove Dwayne S

Eisenhauer Matthew

English Lisa

Fidler John D

Frank Peter

Frantz Paula E

Frazier Gary Jr

Fry John

Fuller Thomas C

Gabel Dale R

Garcia Albert

Gonzalez Marisol

Graby Lisa M

Grigsby Adam C

Guerrero Angela

Haas Shirley A

Heilman William

Herbert Richard R

Hernandez Lopez Florentino

Hernandez Marissa M

Hogeland Dorothy L

Hollinger Margaret L

Hopkins Meredith A

Houser Ronald L

Kling Ellen

Krall Freda M

Kulp Marie J

Laboy Alberta J

Latta Charles W

Laudermilch Nancy

Lebanon Beverage Cmo Enterprises

Legay Charles

Light Esther E

Lilley Gordon S Jr

Lopez Mia

Lopez Vanessa J

Margaret Miller

Martinez Angel R

Mazzocca Chad Ch

Melecio Jorge

Meyer Irene

Michelle Hostetter

Miller David M

Miller Walter W

Mogilski Sophie M

Moore David W

Moskauski Ella

Moyer Tracy L

Mullen Patrick

Nagle Robn R

Norton Christine L

Oquendo Pedro

Orbach Randy A

Pacheco Luis Gabriel

Pellow John W

Pena Osbaldo

Perez Jose A

Pflueger William C Estate

Pineiro Luis Manuel

Qantana Esther R

Quiles Tonya M

Quinones Melissa E

Raber Mary M

Reed Gail

Reedy Cora M

Reichert Clifford L

Reppert Jacquelyn, Oscar

Rios Reich Alec J

Rivera Jimenez Efrain

Rivera John D

Rivera Waleska

Rodriguez Carmen M

Rodriguez Edwin

Rodriguez Maria A

Rosado Julio

Sabo Catherine

Sandoval Francisco

Schaeffer Paul

Scholl Andrew T

Seltzer Eugene R, June L

Shaeffer Rachael L

Shattuck Tina S

Sivak Carl F

Sripramot Phisanu

Sticker Guy E

Strangarity Kyle

Suarez Maria E

Thein Dennis

Thomas Joanna

Thompson Paul S Jr

Traux Rodney

Treist Clara

Trivino Nordith I

Ulrich Dennis W

Ulrich Richard

Virola Israel

Vogel Robb

Wagner Thomas E

Walter James A

Weiss Edward

Wikel Glenn G

Wild Carmen M

Wild Jennifer L

Winters Robert L

Wojcik Jason B

Wright Salome Estate

Yanceys Auto Body

Yancys Body Shop

Yeagley Ken

Young Howard H

Zombro Jeffery


Bonacci Lauren

Moffitt Doris C

Robbins Ian

Smith Evelyn E Estate

Stober Helen D


Bartholomew Raymond L

Bayer Healthcare Llc

Bennett William L

Bickel Karen E

Clark Betty L

Courtney Drew Md

Downs Morgan L

Dutch Valley Food Distributors

Engle Margaret M, Lloyd E

Ferla Katherine M

Fox Harriet A

Gill Keith Estate Of

Gray Gary

Greene Lavinia L

Grumbine Daniel E

Grumbine Pauline E

Hentz Suellen

Hill Tammy L

Hostetter Krall K

Keyston Capital Group Inc

Knepp Charles T

Kresser Helmut

Lanata Lillian W

Levchuk Alexandre

Levchuk Lyubov

Martin David

Martin Ivan Z

Mock Philip M

Obrien James D

Quaker Alloy Inc

Robillard Larry A

Rosbach Hartford L

Semaska Helen

Senff Henry A

Serdyuk Marina Y

Shaak David L

Smith David A

Smith Louann

Sohn Dale L

Stoltzfus Katie

Ward Bonnie L

Waste Recovery Solutions Inc

Weaver Earl R

Weaver William

Wentz Elizabeth

Whipple Darren S

Wolfe Kristina L

Wolfe Russell S Jr, Robin A


Becker Donald J

Dehart Marvin E, June M

Engle Hunter E


Faust Dylan

Fry Jeremiah

Good Brandon K

Gotwalt John Talmage

Hainley Richard A II

Jackson Financial Services

John T Gotwalt DDS Plan

Kiebach Gary A Jr

Knier Norman

Kramer Mark A

Lauman Linda

Leibig Amanda J

Light Jeffrey A

Litschi Phillip

Marderness David

Musser Thelma K, Mark L

Palashnyuk Valeriy

Schaeffer Henrietta

Smith Diana L


Bolejack Wayne


Aunspach Michelle M

Bailey Annamae

Blauch David B

Boltz Matthew

Bordner Kathy A

Bragg Vaughn

Bray Charles C

Bubp Agnes

Burchett Don R

Butler Richard S

Cassel Joni

Cool Faith Apparel

Corchia Emily R, Erik R

Davison Martha

Desai Vishant

Dimatteo Julian A, Robert

Dimatteo Robert B Estate

Earley Mahlon E

Filer Matt R

Flanary Rodney

Funck Bruce L

Gibson Steven M

Gingrich Deanna

Gontz David A

Goss Robert L

Guerrisi Jerone R

Harner Bonnie

Harple Raymond L

Hensinger Robert

Herr John E Jr

Herrs Lawn & Power Equipment

Hershey Long Term Care Pharmacy

Hough June E

Houser Thomas W

Karlin Dawn

Kerper Caroline

Kreiser Russell L

Landis Patricia

Lawhead Robin L

Light Robert H

Liskey Hilda

Magalon Christine

Maguires Ford of Hershey

Mai Seng

Mason Norma J

Mc Curry Gloria A

Mcconaghy Matt

Mcdonald Ebony S

Miller Bernice

Miller Larry E Jr

Moad Charles D Jr

Nyekeller Veronica L

Obleman Hollis R, Gloria W

Okothogola Boniface

Or Ladoyt F

Orchard Enterpise Inc

Orlando Jason

Owens John Thomas II

Phillips Patricia M

Posey Michael

Rimmer Harry E

Ritter Charles, Meta

Robinson Brandi L

Roe Christine M

Romberger Lynn E

Saxsman Richard

Schlegel Marcy E

Shearer Nathan S

Shellenhamer John W Estate

Shirk Angela J

Siegrist Cenkner Melody L

Singer Nanette W

Sitler Monica

Smith Joan M

Smith Sharon M, David R

Smoke City

Snauely Victor H

Stewart Virginia H

Teufel Cindy

Thomas Cheron E

Toton Patricia A, Zofia

Valtos Nancy B

Whisler Norma

Whitney Dana

Zangari Verna

Zerphy Paityn


Gordon Richard

Keppley Lewis C

Smith Andrew


Buffenmeyer Howard A, Kay V

Lebanon Farms Disposal

Snyder Cinthia A

Zip Codes Not Reported

Adkins Eloise

Houser J Randall

Kotzke David A

Naugle Frances, C D

Smith Stanley T

Spotts John Est


For information about the nature and value of the property, or to check for additional names, visit: www.patreasury.gov or call 1-800-222-2046


About the author

Ben has written 1020 articles for Lebanon County Legal Journal
