Public Notices, — November 15, 2017 10:01 — 0 Comments

Public Notices 11-15-2017

Volume 55, No. 16







NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary or of Administration have been granted in the following estates. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the administrators or executors named.




ESTATE OF HELEN E. LYMASTER, late of Spang Crest Manor, 945 Duke Street, Lebanon PA, of Lebanon, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Anna L. Wolf, Executrix

580 Schubert Road

Bethel PA 19507


Or to her attorney:

Robert Kreitz, Esq.

Roland Stock LLC

627 North Fourth Street

P.O. Box 902

Reading PA 19603




ESTATE OF BETTY L. BRESSLER, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Judy Ann Wengert, Executor

John D. Trout, Executor

c/o Reilly Wolfson Law Office

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA  17042


ESTATE OF ALBERT B. BUBB, late of Annville, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Rebecca E. Bay, Executor

c/o David C. Miller, Jr., Esq.

1846 Bonnie Blue Lane

Middletown PA 17057




ESTATE OF EMMA E. FULMER, late of South Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Cynthia F. White, Executrix

778 Fox Ridge Lane

Lebanon, PA 17042


Edward J. Coyle, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA  17042


ESTATE OF JAMES F. MAHONEY, late of North Londonderry Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters testamentary on the last will and testament of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned.


Kieca M. Mahoney, Executrix

731 Taylor St NW

Washington DC 20011




ESTATE OF PATRICIA M. ARMS, late of Union Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned Administrator.


L. David Arms, Administrator

102 Ray Street

Williamstown, PA 17098


David R. Warner, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA  17042


ESTATE OF PAUL HENRY BISHOP a/k/a Paul Bishop, late of Lebanon City, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned Administratrix.


Tracy Koppenhaver, Administratrix

307 Park Avenue

Lebanon, PA 17042


Edward J. Coyle, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA  17042


ESTATE OF SHIRLEY A. DIPILLO, later of the Borough of Annville, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Russell K. Brown, Jr., Executor

3109 Pricetown Road

Temple PA 19560


Or his attorney:

Matthew H. Doll, Esq.

Boyd & Karver, P.C.

7 East Philadelphia Ave.

Boyertown PA 19512


ESTATE OF GLADYS M. HOCKLEY a/k/a Gladys Mae Hockley a/k/a Gladys May Hockley, late of North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Susan M. Swetland, Executrix

c/o Patrick M. Reb, Esq.

547 South Tenth Street

Lebanon PA 17042



ESTATE OF LORRY J. KREISER, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Megan M. Marshall, Executrix


Attorney for Estate:

Horace M. Ehrgood, Esquire

410 Chestnut Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF EDWARD MORRIS, JR., late of the North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, PA 17046, deceased. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned Administrator.


Candace S. Morris, Administrator


Attorney for Estate:

Horace M. Ehrgood, Esquire

410 Chestnut Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF IDA O. MUSSER, late of Heidelberg Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Stephen L. Martin, Executor

Darla J. Sensenig, Executor

c/o Michael P. Kane, Esq.

700 North Duke St.

P.O. Box 4686

Lancaster PA 17604-4686

Attorneys: Morgan, Hallgren, Crosswell & Kane P.C.


ESTATE OF ARLENE K. SHEFFEY, late of the Borough of Cleona, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Gwendolyn S. Sattazahn, Executrix


Attorney for Estate:

Horace M. Ehrgood, Esquire

410 Chestnut Street

Lebanon, PA 17042



ESTATE OF GRACE M. TOM, late of Cornwall Borough, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Jonathan C.W. Tom, Executor

Stephen C.M. Tom, Executor

c/o Reilly Wolfson Law Office

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA  17042




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the provisions of Section 311 of the Act of 1982-295 (54 Pa.C.S. 311) and its amendments, of the filing in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on April 27, 2017, of the fictitious name registration of AAA Farming.

The names and addresses of the persons owning or interested in said business are:  Daryl L. Alger, 201 South Mount Pleasant Road, Lebanon, PA 17042, and Zachary Alger, 145 Clear Spring Road, Annville, PA 17003.

The name, style or designation under which said business is being or will be conducted is:  AAA FARMING.

The location of its principal place of business is:  201 South Mount Pleasant Road, Lebanon, PA 17042.

The character of the business to be carried on or conducted is:  Farming operations.



Attorneys for Applicant

315 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA  17042

About the author

Ben has written 1048 articles for Lebanon County Legal Journal
