Public Notices, — February 10, 2016 10:00 — 0 Comments

Public Notices 2-10-2016

Volume 53, No. 24








NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary or of Administration have been granted in the following estates. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the administrators or executors named.




ESTATE OF ROBERT S. BECHTEL, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Marie A. Beard, Executrix

102 Maple Lane

Lebanon, PA 17042

Thomas S. Long, Attorney


ESTATE OF DOROTHY S. ELBLE, late of the Borough of Cornwall, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Administrator C.T.A.


Thomas S. Long, Esq., Administrator C.T.A.

315 South 8th Street

Lebanon, PA 17042

Thomas S. Long, Attorney


ESTATE OF GLADYS V. GETTLER, late of Lebanon City, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Anita L. Wertz, Executrix

417 Holtzman Road

Reinholds, PA 17569


Bernerd A. Buzgon, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF LEROY C. GRAFF, late of the Township of Swatara, County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Daniel E. Graff, Executor

19 Birch Street

Lebanon, PA 17046


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys


ESTATE OF MILDRED S. HOSHOWER, A/K/A MILDRED SMILJA HOSHOWER, A/K/A MIKA S. HOSHOWER, late of the Borough of Cleona, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Lisa M. Leppo, Executrix

John E. Feather, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Street

Annville, PA 17003



ESTATE OF ROBERT M. MASSAR, late of North Londonderry Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Robert A. Massar, Executor

17 Charleston Drive

Annville, PA 17003

Gerald J. Brinser – Attorney


ESTATE OF EVA A. READINGER, late of Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Linda L. Clawser, Executrix

John E. Feather, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Street

Annville, PA 17003





ESTATE OF FRANK A. ARMSTRONG, late of the Township of Jackson, County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Barbara Griffith, Executor

7 Bower Drive

Myerstown, PA 17067


William H. Sturm, Jr., Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys


ESTATE OF MARILYN J. BLAZEVICH, late of North Annville Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Beth Ann Carn

2740 Schoolhouse Road

Middletown PA 17057


Stephanie E. Murphy, Esq.

McQuaide Blasko, Inc.

1249 Cocoa Avenue, Suite 210

Hershey PA 17033

Attorney for the Estate


ESTATE OF HAROLD L. DAVIS, late of Cornwall Borough, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Lori Davis Mitzel, Executrix

7605 Lakeside Avenue

Harrisburg PA 17112


Or to:

James H. Turner, Esq.

Turner and O’Connell

4701 North Front Street

Harrisburg PA 17110


ESTATE OF ROBERT A. LUTZ, SR., late of the County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Kurt A. Wenrick, Executor

59 Pleasant View Rd

Grantville, PA 17028


Daryl J. Gerber, Esquire,

The Law Office of Daryl J. Gerber

46 E. Main Street

Palmyra, PA 17078




ESTATE OF ARTHUR L. BUCHTER, a/k/a Arthur Leroy Buchter, late of North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Dennis A. Buchter, Co-Executor

Raymond H. Buchter, Co-Executor


John E. Feather, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Street

Annville, PA 17003



ESTATE OF ARLENE B. GINGRICH, late of North Cornwall Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Avis J. Gingrich, Executor

169 East Derry Road

Hershey PA 17033


Or to

Jean D. Seibert, Esq.

Caldwell & Kearns, PC

3631 North Front Street

Harrisburg PA 17110


ESTATE OF STEVEN E. HOUSER, late of North Annville Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Doris M. Kohr, Executor

c/o Reilly Wolfson

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF ROBERT L. MARKS, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Leeanne Shank, Executor

c/o Reilly Wolfson

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF LINDA J. MOORE, late of South Londonderry Township, Lebanon County, deceased. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned Personal Representative.


Sharon G. Bream, Personal Representative

c/o Megan Huff, Esq.

Nestico Druby, P.C.

1135 East Chocolate Ave.

Suite 300

Hershey PA 17033


NOTICE OF CIVIL ACTION                              





HELEN M. REIGEL, Plaintiff

LARRY A. REIGEL, Defendant



If you wish to defend, you must enter a written appearance personally or by attorney and file your defenses of objections in writing with the court. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you without further notice for the relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you.


You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer, go to or telephone the office set forth below. This office can provide you with information about hiring a lawyer. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, this office may be able to provide you with information about agencies that may offer legal services to eligible persons at a reduced fee or no fee.


MIDPENN Legal Services

513 Chestnut Street

Lebanon, P A 17042

(717) 274-2834

About the author

Ben has written 1040 articles for Lebanon County Legal Journal
