Public Notices, — March 2, 2016 10:00 — 0 Comments

Public Notices 3-2-2016

Volume 53, No. 27







NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary or of Administration have been granted in the following estates. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the administrators or executors named.




ESTATE OF MAE L. ANTHONY, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Stephanie M. Keiser, Executrix

John E. Feather, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Street

Annville, PA 17003



ESTATE OF MARTHA J. BRANDT, late of Annville Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Personal Representative.


John H. Brandt, Personal Representative

c/o Megan C. Huff, Esq.

Nestico Druby, P.C.

1135 East Chocolate Ave., Suite 300

Hershey PA 17033


ESTATE OF PAULINE E. FISHER, late of the Township of Jackson, County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Dennis L. Fisher, Executor

559 Kutztown Road

Myerstown, PA 17067


Brenda K. Fasold, Executor

160 Elk Drive

Lebanon, PA 17046


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys


ESTATE OF VIOLET M. GETTLE, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Diane M. Wolfe, Executor

c/o Reilly Wolfson

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF DONALD G. HOFFER, late of West Cornwall Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Kristen L. Grumbine, Executor

c/o Reilly Wolfson

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF CLAIR L. LEVAN, late of the Township of North Cornwall, County of Lebanon, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Debra C. Bernhard, Executor

607 Springhouse Lane

Hummelstown, PA 17036


William D. Levan, Executor

6273 Ryecroft Drive

Harrisburg, PA 17111


Scott B. Levan, Executor

120 North 27th Street

Camp Hill, PA 17011

John D. Enck, Esquire

Spitler, Kilgore & Enck, PC

522 South 8th Street

Lebanon, PA 17042



ESTATE OF MERWYN H. MOYER, late of the County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Sheri L. Moyer, Executor

225 S Fort Zellers Rd.

Newmanstown, PA 17073


Daryl J. Gerber, Esquire,

The Law Office of Daryl J. Gerber

46 E. Main Street

Palmyra, PA 17078


ESTATE OF ELEVINA MARY WILSON, late of North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Richard Sponenberg, Executor

c/o Weiss Burkett

802 Walnut Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


Loreen M. Burkett, Esquire

Attorney for Estate


ESTATE OF GWENDOLYN H. WRIGHT a/k/a Gwendolyn Fay Wright, late of the Borough of Cornwall, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


M. Richelle Kirman, Executrix

7037 Kendale Drive

Harrisburg PA 17111


Or to:

Stanley A. Smith, Esq.

Rhoads & Sinon LLP

Attorneys at Law

One S. Market Square

P.O. Box 1146

Harrisburg PA 17108-1146




ESTATE OF NICHOLAS S. BATULA, late of Bethel Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Kathleen M. Shaver, Executor

c/o Reilly Wolfson

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF MILDRED M. BRIGHTBILL, late of Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.

Leslie A. Brightbill, Executor

272 Long Stretch Road

Pine Grove, PA 17963


Heidi L. Reinbold, Executrix

295 N. Zinns Mill Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


Paul W. Kilgore, Esquire

Spitler, Kilgore & Enck, PC, Attorneys


ESTATE OF ELDA I. BUGG, late of Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.

Ronald H. Bugg, Executor

259 Airport Road

Fredericksburg, PA 17026


Betty M. Dove, Executrix

2589 S. Pine Grove Road

Lebanon, PA 17046


Paul W. Kilgore, Esquire

Spitler, Kilgore & Enck, PC, Attorneys


ESTATE OF DONALD E. CRIST, late of South Annville Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Administrator.


Donald C. Peoples, Administrator

c/o Gibble Law Offices, P.C.

126 East Main Street

Lititz PA 17543

Stephen R. Gibble, Esq.


ESTATE OF MARY T. HUNTER, late of Cornwall Borough, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Fulton Bank.N.A.

c/o Reilly Wolfson

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF ANNA C. KURTESON, late of Cornwall Borough, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Debra Light Leibig, Executrix

1233 Elm Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


Paul W. Kilgore, Esquire

Spitler, Kilgore & Enck, PC, Attorneys


ESTATE OF DOROTHY K. MILLER, late of North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased.

Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Debra J. Miller/Kline, Executor

1980 Brandt Road

Annville, PA 17003


Penny J. Kirst, Executor

116 Moonshine Road

Jonestown, PA 17026


Thomas S. Long, Attorney


ESTATE OF JUNE J. MINNICH, late of No. 257 Cocalico Road, Borough of Robesonia, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Bonnie Strohl, Executrix

c/o Lengert Law LLC

210 West Penn Avenue

PO Box 223

Robesonia, PA 19551


Attorney Kim L. Lengert, Esquire

Lengert Law LLC

210 West Penn Avenue

PO Box 223

Robesonia, PA 19551




ESTATE OF EDWARD J. BILLINGHAM, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Jan M. Peiffer, Executrix


Charles A. Ritchie, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Street

Annville, PA 17003



ESTATE OF RAYMOND M. DORSCH, JR., late of West Cornwall Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Co-Executors.


R. Michael Dorsch, III, Co-Executor

Susan D. Brawner, Co-Executor

Kevin M. Richards, Esquire

P.O. Box 1140

Lebanon, PA 17042-1140


ESTATE OF BRIT S. GAHRSEN, late of the Borough of Myerstown, County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Jonestown Bank & Trust Co., Executor

P. O. Box 717

Jonestown, PA 17038


William H. Sturm, Jr., Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys


ESTATE OF JOAN E. HEAGY, a/k/a Joan Heagy, deceased, late of South Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Lois A. Heagy, Executrix

5 Wheatstone Lane

Lebanon, PA 17042


Edward J. Coyle, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF LORRAINE K. HEBERLING, late of the Township of Jackson, County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Dean A. Heberling, Executor

101 Gable Drive

Myerstown, PA 17067


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys


ESTATE OF SARA E. LASCH, late of the Township of Jackson, County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Russell R. Lasch, Jr., Executor

226 S. School Lane

Lancaster, PA 17603


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys


ESTATE OF MARY LOUISE MEYER, a/k/a MARY L. MEYER, deceased, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Peter Gebhard, Executor


John E. Feather, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Street

Annville, P A 17003



ESTATE OF EDNA E. PIFATH, late of the County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Stephen J. Pifath, Executor

15 Abbey Lane

Annville, PA 17003


Daryl J. Gerber, Esquire,

The Law Office of Daryl J. Gerber

46 E. Main Street

Palmyra, PA 17078


ESTATE OF ETHEL L. PLUMMER, late of the Borough of Myerstown, County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Connie L. Mertz, Executor

218 E. Carpenter Avenue

Myerstown, PA 17067


Edwin H. Erickson, Executor

728 Ono Road

Annville, PA 17003


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys


ESTATE OF ALICE V. SHREFLER, late of Annville Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Samuel S. Shrefler, Executor

c/o Patrick M. Reb, Esq.

547 South Tenth Street

Lebanon PA 17042




Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County


Notice is hereby given that the following accounts in decedents estates, Guardianships and trusts have been filed in the Office of the Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans’ Court of Lebanon County, and that the same will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas-Orphans’ Court Division of said County for Confirmation NISI on Monday, March 7, 2016 At 10:00 A.M. in Courtroom No. 1, Municipal Building, City of Lebanon




1. Shipper, Harold W., dec’d., Linda J. Moyer & Rodney A. Hackman, Co-Exrs.,

Patrick M. Reb, Atty.

2. Sides, Danielle Evette, dec’d., Sides, Dana E., Exr., David R. Warner, Jr., Atty.


All of the aforesaid accounts and statements of Proposed Distribution will be confirmed ABSOLUTELY as of course by the said Orphans’ Court except those to which exemptions are filed within twenty (20) days after the same are confirmed NISI.






About the author

Ben has written 1056 articles for Lebanon County Legal Journal
