Public Notices, — June 24, 2015 10:00 — 0 Comments

Public Notices 6-24-2015

Volume 52, No. 38













NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary or of Administration have been granted in the following estates. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the administrators or executors named.




ESTATE OF MARGIE A. CRAWFORD, late of Fredericksburg, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Donald E. Crawford, Jr., Executor

Glen R. Crawford, Executor

Bonnie S. Snyder, Executrix

c/o Keys and Burkett

322 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


Jessica E. Weaver, Esquire

Attorney for Estate


ESTATE OF GRACE L. HOWARD, late of Annville Township, County of Lebanon, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Kelly E. Howard, Executor

c/o       Reilly, Wolfson, Sheffey,           Schrum and Lundberg LLP

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA  17042


ESTATE OF VIOLET R. OLIVER, a/k/a VIOLET ROSE OLIVER, late of Palmyra, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Timothy M. Fehr, Executor

c/o John E. Feather, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Street

Annville, PA 17003



ESTATE OF LENORE N. MYERS, late of South Londonderry Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Kenneth Egge, Executor

11 Scenic Drive, Myerstown, PA 17067

Gerald J. Brinser – Attorney




ESTATE OF HELEN W. BARTHOLOMEW, late of Cornwall Borough, Lebanon County, PA, deceased.  Letters of Administration were granted to the undersigned Personal Representative.


Hedy Bartholomew Stump, Personal Representative

561 Hemlock Lane

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF RICHARD L. BOESHORE, a/k/a Richard Lee Boeshore, late of North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor


Richard W. Stevenson, Executor

c/o       David M. Watts, Jr., Esq.

McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC

100 Pine Street

P. O. Box 1166

Harrisburg, PA  17108-1166

(717) 232-8000


ESTATE OF MARY J. ECKENRODE a/k/a Mary B. Eckenrode, late of Annville Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Thomas E. Eckenrode, Executor

c/o George W. Porter, Esq.

909 East Chocolate Ave.

Hershey PA 17033


ESTATE OF CAROL J. GABRIEL, late of the North Cornwall Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Melanie J. Beck, Executrix

1109 Cumberland Street

Lebanon, PA 17042

Thomas S. Long, Attorney


ESTATE OF MARGARET VAN LIEU, late of the Bethel Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Thomas S. Long, Esq., Executor

315 South 8th Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


Frederick S. Long, Attorney


ESTATE OF ALMA G. MILLER, late of the Borough of Myerstown, County of Lebanon, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Brian R. Miller, Executor

95 Apple Lane

Myerstown, PA  17067


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys




ESTATE OF WARREN L. BOYER, late of the City of Lebanon, County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Dale Merkey, Executor

411 Plaza Apts.

Lebanon, PA 17042


Diane Moyer, Executor

750 Host Road

Womelsdorf, PA  19567


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys


ESTATE OF RUTH L. EARHART, late of the Borough of Richland, County of Lebanon and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executors.


Jeffrey Earhart, Executor

3 Chestnut Street

Richland, PA  17087


Loren Earhart, Executor

229 S. Sheridan Road

Newmanstown, PA  17073


William H. Sturm, Jr., Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys


ESTATE OF BETTY S. LANDIS a/k/a Betty Landis, late of Myerstown Twp., Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor


Larry Landis, Executor

c/o Courtney D. Zeuner, Esq.,

3500 Reading Way,

Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

Or to his Atty.:

Courtney D. Zeuner

Baratta Russell & Baratta

3500 Reading Way

Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006


ESTATE OF BERNETTA M. LEONARD, late of Palmyra Borough, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Cheryle Leonard, Executrix

200 N. College Street

Palmyra, PA 17078

Gerald J. Brinser – Attorney


ESTATE OF ROBERT A. YEINGST, late of North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, PA, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Catherine E. Irwin, Executrix

140 Sherri Drive

Lebanon PA 17046


Paul E. Kilgore, Esq.

Spitler, Kilgore & Enck, P.C. Attorneys




Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County Notice is hereby given that the following accounts in decedents estates, Guardianships and trusts have been filed in the Office of the Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans’ Court of Lebanon County, and that the same will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas-Orphans’ Court Division of said County for Confirmation NISI on Monday, July 6, 2015 At 10:00 A.M. in Courtroom No. 1, Municipal Building, City of Lebanon


First and final accounts with proposed schedule of distribution filed by executors or administrators


1. Seyfert, Charles C. dec’d., Patrick J. Seyfert, Exr., Charles A. Ritchie, Jr., Atty.


First and final accounts with no proposed schedule of distribution filed by executors or administrators


1. Keenan, Peggy F., dec’d., David A. Baric, Admr., David A. Baric, Atty.


All of the aforesaid accounts and statements of Proposed Distribution will be confirmed ABSOLUTELY as of course by the said Orphans’Court except those to which exemptions are filed within twenty (20) days after the same are confirmed NISI.








In the Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County Pennsylvania

Orphans Court Division No. 2015-351

Notice of an involuntary termination of parental rights


Cheryl Lynch and David Lynch, Petitioners

Theresa Lynch, Respondent





On May 27, 2015, Petitioners, Cheryl Lynch and David Lynch, filed a Petition for Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights against you to Terminate your Parental rights of Samuel David Lynch. A hearing has been scheduled for July 9, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in Courtroom 2, before Honorable Judge Samuel A. Kline.

You are hereby required to plead to said Petition on or before 20 days of the date of this publication or judgment will be entered against you. If you wish to defend, you must enter a written appearance personally or by attorney and file your defenses or objection in writing with the court. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you without further notice for the relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you.


You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help.


Lawyers’ Referral Service of The Lebanon County Bar Association

547 South Tenth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042

Telephone No. (717) 273-3113



In the Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania

Orphans Court Division No. 2015-351

Notice of an involuntary termination of parental rights




TO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. On May 27, 2015, Petitioners filed a Petition for Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights against you to terminate your Parental rights of a male child born on April 10, 2001 in Hershey Pennsylvania. A hearing has been scheduled for July 9, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in Courtroom 2, before Honorable Judge Samuel A. Kline.

You are hereby required to plead to said Petition on or before 20 days of the date of this publication or judgment will be entered against you. If you wish to defend, you must enter a written appearance personally or by attorney and file your defenses or objection in writing with the court. You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you without further notice for the relief requested by the Plaintiff. You may lose money or property or other rights important to you.


You should take this paper to your lawyer at once. If you do not have a lawyer or cannot afford one, go to or telephone the office set forth below to find out where you can get legal help.


Lawyers’ Referral Service of The Lebanon County Bar Association

547 South Tenth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042

Telephone No. (717) 273-3113




In The Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania

Civil Action – Law Civil Division No. 2015-00604


Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. S/B/M to Wes Holding Corporation S/B/M to Wachovia Equity Servicing, LLC. S/B/M to TMS Mortgage, Inc. D/B/A The Money Store, Plaintiff

Donna M. Haas, in her capacity as heir of Shirley A. Haas, deceased; Florence D. Ruiz, in her capacity as heir of Shirley A. Haas, deceased; Charles E. Haas, in her capacity as heir of Shirley A. Haas, deceased; Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title or interest from or under Shirley A. Haas, deceased, Defendants




To Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title or interest from or under Shirley A. Haas, deceased, Defendants


You are hereby notified that on April 7, 2015, Plaintiff, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. S/B/M TO WES HOLDING CORPORATION S/B/M TO WACHOVIA EQUITY SERVICING, LLC. S/B/M TO TMS MORTGAGE, INC. D/B/A THE MONEY STORE, filed a Mortgage Foreclosure Complaint endorsed with a Notice to Defend, against you in the Court of Common Pleas of LEBANON County Pennsylvania, docketed to No. 2015-00604. Wherein Plaintiff seeks to foreclose on the mortgage secured on your property located at 324 LEHMAN STREET, LEBANON, PA 17046-3884 whereupon your property would be sold by the Sheriff of LEBANON County.


You are hereby notified to plead to the above referenced Complaint on or before 20 days from the date of this publication or a Judgment will be entered against you.




If you wish to defend, you must enter a written appearance personally or by attorney and file your defenses or objections in writing with the court.  You are warned that if you fail to do so the case may proceed without you and a judgment may be entered against you without further notice for the relief requested by the plaintiff.  You may lose money or property or other rights important to you.

You should take this notice to your lawyer at once.  If you do not have a lawyer, go to or telephone the office set forth below.  This office can provide you with information about hiring a lawyer. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, this office may be able to provide you with information about agencies that may offer legal services to eligible persons at a reduced fee or no fee.


Notice to Defend:

Mid-Penn Legal Services

513 Chestnut Street

Lebanon, PA  17042

Telephone (717) 274-2834




In The Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania No.  2014-00817



Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title or interest from or under Thomas L. Pyles, deceased


NOTICE TO:  Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title or interest from or under Thomas L. Pyles, deceased


Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Real Property


Being Premises:  2025 CENTER STREET, LEBANON, PA 17042-4442

Being in NORTH CORNWALL TOWNSHIP, County of LEBANON, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 26-2331639-367768-0000

Improvements consist of residential property. Sold as the property of Unknown heirs, successors, assigns, and all persons, firms, or associations claiming right, title or interest from or under Thomas L. Pyles, deceased


Your house (real estate) at 2025 CENTER STREET, LEBANON, PA 17042-4442 is scheduled to be sold at the Sheriff’s Sale on 08/11/2015 at 10:00 AM, at the LEBANON County Courthouse, 400 South 8th Street, Lebanon, PA 17042, to enforce the Court Judgment of $196,523.66 obtained by WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. (the mortgagee), against the above premises.



Attorney for Plaintiff




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Shareholders and Board of Directors of linuxworx,inc., a Pennsylvania corporation, with a registered office at 14 Newburg Dr., Newmanstown, PA, 17073, have approved a proposal that the corporation voluntarily dissolve, and that the Board of Directors is now engaged in winding up and settling the affairs of the corporation under the provisions of Section 1972 of the Pennsylvania Business Corporation Law of 1988, as amended.




TAKE NOTICE that on June 3, 2015 WellSpan Health filed a Petition for Approval of Proposed Affiliation and to Confirm the Non-Diversion of Charitable Assets with the Lebanon County, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas, Orphans’ Court Division in connection with a proposed affiliation with The Good Samaritan Hospital of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, The Good Samaritan Health Services Foundation of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and affiliates.  The Court has fixed the 25th day of June, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in Courtroom No. 1 of the Lebanon County Courthouse, Lebanon, Pennsylvania as the time and place for a hearing on said Petition when and where all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why the requested relief should not be granted.


For more information, please contact Jennifer L. Nevins, Esq., Stevens & Lee, P.C., 111 N. Sixth Street, Reading, PA 19603-0679, (610) 478-2243, attorney for the petitioner.

About the author

Ben has written 1056 articles for Lebanon County Legal Journal
