Public Notices Sheriff Sales, — August 11, 2020 10:47 — 0 Comments

Public Notices, July 15, 2020

Volume 57, No. 50











NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Letters Testamentary or of Administration have been granted in the following estates. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to the administrators or executors named.




ESTATE OF ALAN TUCK ETTER, late of 964 Reber Street, the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned Administrator.


Steven S. Etter, Administrator

Stuart J. Magdule, Esquire

Smigel, Anderson & Sacks, LLP

4431 North Front Street, 3rd Floor

Harrisburg, PA 17110


ESTATE OF MARLISSA B. BOYD, late of Annville Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned Co-Administratrices.


Khrista T. Dechert, Co-Administratrix

Brandy A. Lannon, Co-Administratrix


Charles A. Ritchie, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Avenue

Annville, PA 17003


ESTATE OF CAROL A. SIMONE, late of North Cornwall Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Stephany Houser, Executrix

Jon F. Arnold, Esquire

410 Chestnut Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF ANNE WATSON MULLER a/k/a ANNIE W. MULLER, late of Annville Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Janice M. Hawbaker, Executrix

Paul W. Muller, Esquire

Kaminski, Hawbaker & Salawage, P.C.

221 Lincoln Way East

Chambersburg, PA 17201


ESTATE OF RUTH A. GRAYBILL, late of Jackson Township, Lebanon County, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Elvin L. Graybill, Executor

Nevin D. Beiler, Esquire

Beiler Legal Services, P.C.

105 S. Hoover Ave

New Holland, PA 17557




ESTATE OF WANDA E. FRENCH a/k/a WANDA EULAINE JANDREW, late of Millcreek Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Bruce Michael Jandrew, Executor

130 Sweetwater Lane

Newmanstown, PA 17073


Sean J. O’Brien, Esquire

526 Court Street

Reading, PA 19601


ESTATE OF BARBARA R. YINGST, late of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Dale E. Yingst, Executor

George E. Christianson, Esquire

411 Chestnut Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF WILLIS R. FRIESE, JR., late of East Hanover Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Charles E. Friese, Executor

Vance Antonacci, Esquire

McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC

570 Lausch Lane, Suite 200

Lancaster, PA 17601


ESTATE OF MICHAEL R C GRANDIA a/k/a MICHAEL REINER CHARLES GRANDIA, late of South Londonderry Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Peter J. Grandia, Executor

41 Valley Road

PO Box 608

Mt. Gretna, PA 17064


Peggy M. Morcom, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF CLIFFORD H. WEBER, late of the Borough of Cleona, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Sadie Jean Weber, Executrix

c/o Jim Weber

43 Hasgate Drive

Delmar, NY 12054


Peggy M. Morcom, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042



ESTATE OF DIANNE L. LUCIOTTI, late of South Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned Administrators.


Zachary Luciotti, Co-Administrator

150 Harvest Mill Lane

Palmyra, PA 17078


Benjamin Luciotti, Co-Administrator

150 Harvest Mill Lane

Palmyra, PA 17078

Peggy M. Morcom, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF CHRISTOPHER J. FLASHEL, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned Administratrix


Nadine K. Flashel, Administratrix

124 S. Third Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


Peggy M. Morcom, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF DOROTHY J. DENGLER, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Co-Executors.


Robert R. Dengler, Jr., Co-Executor

425 Meadowview Drive

Lebanon, PA 17042


Cheryl A. Garman, Co-Executrix

229 Swatara Circle

Jonestown, PA 17038


Michael S. Bechtold, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

P.O. Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF ELAINE R. SHANFELDER, late of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Guy Jon Shanfelder, Executor

Paul W. Kilgore, Esquire

Spitler, Kilgore & Enck, PC

522 S. 8th Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF DAVID L. BUCKWALTER, a/k/a DAVID BUCKWALTER, late of 227 Maple Avenue, Manheim, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.


Mark G. McLain, Executor

Michael J. Mongiovi, Esquire

Mongiovi Law, LLC

235 North Lime Street

Lancaster, PA 17602


ESTATE OFARTHUR J. JELTES, late of the borough of Myerstown, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Bruce A. Jeltes, Executor

Justin J. Bolinger, Esquire

Gibbel Kraybill & Hess, LLP

PO Box 5349

Lancaster, PA 17606


ESTATE OF CONCETTA M. DABROWSKI, late of Jackson Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


John R. Dabrowski, Executor

2126 Cheshire Court

Navarre, FL 32566


Timothy T. Engler, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe

36 West Main Avenue

Myerstown, PA 17067


ESTATE OF LAURA G. WEAVER, late of Jackson Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Co-Executors.


Melvin Weaver, Co-Executor

Paul Weaver, Co-Executor


Nevin D. Beiler, Esquire

Beiler Legal Services, PC

105 S. Hoover Ave.

New Holland, PA 17557


ESTATE OF GEORGE P. PETERS, JR., late of North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Lisa M. Peters, Executrix

Michael J. D’Amico, Esquire

D’Amico Law Offices, LLC

310 Grant Street, Suite 825

Pittsburgh, PA 15219


ESTATE OF MARY LOU BEAR, late of Cornwall Borough, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Carol C. McDonald, Executrix

Jacqueline A. Kelly, Esquire

JSDC Law Offices

555 Gettysburg Pike, Suite C400

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055




ESTATE OF VICTOR E. WHITE, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned Administratrix.


Danette Bartholomew, Administratrix

Steven D.W. Miller, Esquire

Miller Law Firm, P.C.

PO Box 121

Cornwall, PA 17016


ESTATE OF MARGARET E. EDKIN, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


William J. Edkin, Executor

3498 Mariette Avenue

Lancaster PA 17601


Edward J. Coyle, Esquire

Buzgon Davis Law Offices

PO Box 49

525 South Eighth Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF BETTY J. WHITMAN, late of West Cornwall Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Co-Executrices.


Janet L. Zinn, Co-Executrix

Tracy Brumbaugh, Co-Executrix


Estate of Betty J. Whitman

Reilly Wolfson Law Office

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF TED E. SHEPLER, late of North Cornwall Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


Gregory A. Hitz, Executor


Estate of Ted E. Shepler

Reilly Wolfson Law Office

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF DORIS E. SNYDER, late of North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Elaine Cummings, Executrix

511 W. Main Avenue

Myerstown, PA 17067


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

36 West Main Avenue

Myerstown, PA 17067


ESTATE OF LUCILLE I. SILVERIO, late of Jackson Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Sheryl J. Hatzfeld, Executrix

Estate of Lucille I. Silverio

Reilly Wolfson Law Office

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


ESTATE OF JUNE P. GUARE, a/k/a JUNE M. GUARE, late of South Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executor.


David W. Guare, Executor

Charles A. Ritchie, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Street

Annville, PA 17003


ESTATE OF GERALDINE F. RUTTER, late of Jackson Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Lori Harvey, Executrix

435 West Main Avenue

Myerstown, PA 17067


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys

36 West Main Avenue

Myerstown, PA 17067


ESTATE OF MARY ANN TRAUTMAN, late of the City of Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Co-Executors.


Ronald A. Trautman, Co-Executor

Anthony D. Trautman, Co-Executor

Alex C. Trautman, Co-Executor

1103 Forest Street

Lebanon, PA 17046


Kenneth C. Sandoe, Esquire

Steiner & Sandoe, Attorneys

36 West Main Avenue

Myerstown, PA 17067


ESTATE OF VIRGINIA A. SMITH, late of the Borough of Palmyra, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Crystal B. Smith, Executrix

Charles A. Ritchie, Jr., Esquire

Feather and Feather, P.C.

22 West Main Street

Annville, PA 17003


ESTATE OF ERIKA D. HAUER, late of South Londonderry Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary have been granted to the undersigned Executrix.


Marie L. Spinelli, Executrix

Gerald Brinser, Esquire

Brinser Wagner

PO Box 323

Palmyra, PA 17078




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Glenn S. Gibble Revocable Living Trust dated July 31, 2005, (the “Trust”), is being administered because of the death of Glenn S. Gibble, late of North Lebanon Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, who died on February 12, 2020. All persons having claims against the Decedent or Trust are requested to present them for settlement, and all persons indebted to the Decedent or Trust are requested to make immediate payment without delay to:


Cindy Ream, Trustee c/o Jeffrey C. Goss, Esquire


Brubaker Connaughton Goss & Lucarelli LLC

480 New Holland Ave

Suite 6205

Lancaster, PA 17602


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Linford C. Donmoyer Revocable Living Trust dated July 9, 2002 and amended December 1, 2005 (the “Trust”) is being administered because of the death of Linford C. Donmoyer, late of Bethel Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, who died on May 18, 2020. All persons having claims against the Decedent or Trust are requested to present them for settlement, and all persons indebted to the Decedent or Trust are requested to make immediate payment without delay to: Barry L. Donmoyer- Trustee c/o Keith D. Wagner, P.O. Box 323, Palmyra, PA 17078-Attorney.




On July 10, 2019, Letters of Administration for the Estate of Mary Warner, a/k/a Mary A. Warner, late of South Londonderry Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, were granted to Sharon Frederickson and Bruce Frederickson. On June 2, 2020, Bruce R. Frederickson and Sharon L. Frederickson were appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, Docket No. 2019-476, as Co-Trustees of the Trust created by Mary A. Warner. All persons having claims against the Estate or Trust of Mary Warner a/k/a Mary A. Warner, are requested to make known the same, and all persons indebted to the Decedent or to her Trust or Estate are requested to make payment without delay to Sharon L. Frederickson and Bruce R. Frederickson, Co-Administrators of the Estate of Mary Warner, a/k/a Mary A. Warner, and Co-Trustees of the Mary Warner Trust, or their attorney:


Melanie Walz Scaringi, Esquire

Scaringi Law

2000 Linglestown Road, Suite 106

Harrisburg, PA 17110



An application for registration of the fictitious name Rotunda Restaurant and Brewery, 245 West Main St., Annville, PA 17003 has been filed in the Department of State at Harrisburg, PA, File Date 03/09/2020 pursuant to the Fictitious Names Act, Act 1982-295. The name and address of the person who is a party to the registration is Louis A. Rotunda, 245 West Main St., Annville, PA 17003.




BY VIRTUE OF WRITS OF EXECUTION ISSUED OUT OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LEBANON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, TO ME DIRECTED, WILL BE EXPOSED TO PUBLIC SALE ON AUGUST 11, 2020 at 10:00 A.M., in the Lebanon County Municipal Building, Room #12, (Auditorium/Basement), 400 South Eighth Street, Lebanon, PA 17042.  The Following Described Real Estate to wit:

Bruce E. Klingler,

Sheriff of Lebanon County



Sale No. 1


Plaintiff: U.S. Bank National Association as Trustee Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp. CSFB Mortgage-Backed Pass-Through Certificates Series 2005-8


Defendant: Crystal A. Beck and Norman Beck a/k/a Norman J. Beck


Attorney for Plaintiff:

Stern & Eisenberg, P.C.

The Shops at Valley Square

1581 Main Street, Suite 200

Warrington, PA 18976

(215) 572-8111


Judgment Amount: $121,091.53

Execution No. 2020-00250



Property known as:

22 Colonial Drive

Jonestown, PA 17038


Sale No. 2


Plaintiff: HSBC Bank, USA, National Association, as Indenture Trustee for the registered Noteholders of Renaissance Home Equity Loan Trust 2006-4


Defendant: Santa Santana a/k/a Santa Isabel Santana a/k/a Santa I. Santana and Jose M. Santana


Attorney for Plaintiff:

Stern & Eisenberg, P.C.

The Shops at Valley Square

1581 Main Street, Suite 200

Warrington, PA 18976

(215) 572-8111


Judgment Amount: $122,558.39

Execution No. 2019-01845


GIS: 27:2344580-374900

Property known as:

716 Weavertown Road

Lebanon, PA 17046


Sale No. 3


Plaintiff: HMG Investors, LLC


Defendant: William P. Hartmann


Attorney for Plaintiff:

Reilly Wolfson Law Offices

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-3733


Judgment Amount: $245,199.00

Execution No. 2019-00328


GIS: 26:2324638-358383

Property known as:

Lot 4, Northside of Royal Road

Lebanon, PA 17042



Property known as:

399 Royal Road

Lebanon, PA 17042


GIS: 04:2338658-369505

Property known as:

18 North 7th Street

Lebanon, PA 17042


Sale No. 4


Plaintiff: Jonestown Bank & Trust Company


Defendant: Ronald W. Gue and Kimberly P. Gue


Attorney for Plaintiff:

Reilly Wolfson Law Offices

1601 Cornwall Road

Lebanon, PA 17042

(717) 273-3733


Judgement Amount: $29,878.50

Execution No. 2019-02171


GIS: 13:2322626-394340

Property known as:

117 Twin Creeks Drive

Jonestown, PA 17038



All parties and claimants are hereby notified

that schedules of distribution will be filed by the sheriff in his office within thirty (30) days from sale and distribution will be made in accordance with the schedule unless exceptions are filed there to within ten (10) days thereafter.



Sheriff of Lebanon County


About the author

Ben has written 1040 articles for Lebanon County Legal Journal
