Sheriff Sales, — September 28, 2022 10:59 — 0 Comments
Sheriff’s Sale, August 9 (Advertisement 3)
BY VIRTUE OF WRITS OF EXECUTION ISSUED OUT OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LEBANON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, TO ME DIRECTED, WILL BE EXPOSED TO PUBLIC SALE ON AUGUST 9, 2022 at 10:00 A.M., in the Lebanon County Municipal Building, Room #12, (Auditorium/Basement), 400 South Eighth Street, Lebanon, PA 17042. The Following Described Real Estate to wit:
JEFFRIE C. MARLEY, JR.,Sheriff of Lebanon County
Sale No. 1
Plaintiff: Nationstar Mortgage, LLC
d/b/a Mr. Cooper
Defendant: Stephen M. Stine, Sr.
a/k/a Stephen M. Stine
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC
Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire
P.O. Box 165028
Columbus, OH 43216
(614) 220-5611
Judgement Amount: $176,115.44
Execution No. 2020-00412
GIS: 31-2295382-345386-0000
Property Known as:
126 Lawn Road
Palmyra, PA 17078
Sale No. 2
Plaintiff: PNC Bank, National Association
Defendant: David L. Laman
and Pamela J. Laman
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Tucker Arensberg, P.C.
Aaron J. Walayat, Esquire
1500 One PPG Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
(412) 566-1212
Judgment Amount: $12,021.56
Execution No. 2022-00191
GIS: 31-2297349-339906-0000
Property known as:
212 Lawn RoadPalmyra, PA 17078
Sale No. 3
Plaintiff: Specialized Loan Servicing, LLC
Defendant: David E. DeLong
And Victoria S. DeLong
Attorney for Plaintiff:
LOGS Legal Group, LLP
Christopher A. DeNardo, Esquire
3600 Horizon Drive, Suite 150
King of Prussia, PA 19406
(610) 278-6800
Judgment Amount: $101,715.60
Execution No. 2019-01627
GIS: 16-2291459-358840-0000
Property known as:
157 North Franklin Street
Palmyra, PA 17078
Sale No. 4
Plaintiff: U.S. Bank Trust National
Associations Trustee of the Cabana Series IV Trust
Defendant: Christopher E. Miller
and Wendy Dianne Lorah
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Friedman Vartolo, LLP
Adam Friedman, Esquire
1325 Franklin Avenue, Suite 160
Garden City, NY 11530
(212) 471-5100
Judgment Amount: $193,496.06
Execution No. 2018-00327
GIS: 15-2370753-384118-0000
Property known as:
206 North College Street
Myerstown, PA 17067
Sale No. 5
Plaintiff: U.S. Bank Trust National Association,
as Trustee of Dwelling Series IV Trust
Defendant: Crystal R. Pena
a/k/a Crystal R. Snyder
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Friedman Vartolo, LLP
Adam Friedman, Esquire
1325 Franklin Avenue, Suite 160
Garden City, NY 11530
(212) 471-5100
Judgment Amount: $20,405.05
Execution No. 2022-00072
GIS: 11-2322775-367382-0000
Property known as:
219 West Walnut Street
Cleona, PA 17042
Sale No. 6
Plaintiff: Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency
Defendant: Amy J. Canby
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Purcell Krug & Haller
Leon P. Haller, Esquire
1719 North Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17102
(717) 234-4178
Judgment Amount: $62,405.64
Execution No.: 2022-00312
GIS: 01-2339040-366691-0000
Property known as:
616 Elm Street
Lebanon, PA 17042
Sale No. 7
Plaintiff: North Lebanon Township
Municipal Authority
Defendant: Thomas E. Fidler
and Terri L. Fidler
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Henry & Beaver, LLP
Amy B. Leonard, Esquire
937 Willow Street
P.O. Box 1140
Lebanon, PA 17042
(717) 274-3644
Judgment Amount: $3,780.98
Execution No. 2016-00106
GIS: 27-2339763-376208-0000
Property known as:
497 Cherry Street
Lebanon, PA 17046
Sale No. 9
Plaintiff: North Lebanon Township
Municipal Authority
Defendant: Irvin X Gomez-Gonzalez
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Henry & Beaver, LLP
Amy B. Leonard, Esquire
937 Willow Street
P.O. Box 1140
Lebanon, PA 17042
(717) 274-3644
Judgment Amount: $2,207.87
Execution No. 2019-00279
GIS: 27-2324451-371982-0000
Property known as:
770 North 32nd Street
Lebanon, PA 17046
Sale No. 10
Plaintiff: North Lebanon Township
Municipal Authority
Defendant: Kevin Yiengst
Attorney for Plaintiff:
Henry & Beaver, LLP
Amy B. Leonard, Esquire
937 Willow Street
P.O. Box 1140
Lebanon, PA 17042
(717) 274-3644
Judgment Amount: $1,982.30
Execution No. 2019-02166
GIS: 27-2323702-380016-0000
Property known as:
1662 Heilmandale RoadLebanon, PA 17046
All parties and claimants are hereby notified that schedules of distribution will be filed by the sheriff in his office within thirty (30) days from sale and distribution will be made in accordance with the schedule unless exceptions are filed there to within ten (10) days thereafter.
Sheriff of Lebanon County